Membership Application Form


Alton Social Bowling Club

Chawton Park Road                    Hon. Sec. Richard Holden                          07767 822497

Alton Hants                                   Captain. David Atwell                                 07984 883325

GU34 1RF                                        Hon. Treas. Florence Ward                        07584 573804


Application for Membership (please complete in capitals)


First Name(s)______________________________________________________________________________




Telephone Number_________________________________________________________________________


E-Mail Address_______________________________________________________________________________

I apply for membership of Alton Social Bowling Club and if my membership is approved, I agree to abide by the rules of membership as laid down by the committee of the club.

I understand my application must be proposed and seconded by existing members of the club.

In signing this form, I agree to my details being held and shared, when necessary, among other members of the club. The club will never share details with outside parties other than the bowls community for affiliations, leagues, and competitions etc.

Please send completed form to

Membership Fees:      Adult £90     Junior (under 18 Yrs)  £10       Social £10

Membership fees to be paid on 1st January each year.

Full membership fee can be paid by instalments with £45 paid by 31st January and the balance of £45 paid by 1st April. Payment by cheque made payable to Alton Social Bowling Club and passed to either the secretary or treasurer.

Or by bank transfer to Alton Social Bowling Club Acct 00001971 Sort Code 77-25-06

Applicant’s Signature____________________________________________Date________________________________________

Amount of Subscription       £_______

Proposed by_________________________________________________________________________________

Seconded by_________________________________________________________________________________