Stan Hardman Team Selection

Cards with *  Patricia Brooks

If unavailable contact Patricia Brooks 07748 150411

Please tick sheet outside club to show captain that you know that you have been selected.

Thursday: 25th July, Home to Marnell, 2.00 pm start,18 ends, Navy & Club Shirts

Meet at Club  pm         Bowls on green 1.45pm 

Rink 1 Pos   Rink 2 Pos
Bill McEwan 1   Jenny Winder 1
Patricia Brooks* 2   Symon winder 2
Janet Williamson Skip   Alan Penfold Skip
Rink 3 Pos      
Clare Allen 1      
Aki Atkins 2      
John Kellow Skip      
Reserves from: Angie Knight, Marjorie Rowledge, Sandy Crocker