Month: April 2024


Dear Members,
A few points that were discussed at the latest committee meeting.
Thanks to all who came the other week for cleaning, we managed to get through all the jobs on our list.
Flo had put out a sheet asking for volunteers to do cleaning in the club for one week in the season, although you will probably only need to do one day in the week and just keep a check on supplies etc. for the rest of the week.
Some members didn’t realise the sheet was there so I am now requesting that if you have not yet volunteered and you wish to help in cleaning the club could you please let me know as soon as possible so that we can create a rota. You won’t be working alone as we usually have 2 people each week.
Can I remind all dog owners that dogs must be kept on a short lead within the club grounds and preferably not under the canopy of the patio.
Also if you have a competition to be played at home please check the website for rink availability before offering dates to your opponent.
Members should not book a rink for a casual roll up. If you wish to have a roll up please again check the website for rink availability and come and roll up.
Flo Ward