New Season

Hello all,

The outdoor season is approaching fast and as usual I am asking that any member who has not paid their annual membership (due on 1st January) pays either in full (£90) or half at the end of this month.
Those who have paid half fees please note that final payment is due before 1st April.
We need to know how many members we have so that we can organise competitions and leagues.
If any of you require a shirt please get in touch with Alice Atwell on 01252 722043 by the end of this month so we can order for the start of the season.
We don’t know the cost this year yet. Last year they were £29 each.
Social events:
The Stringalongs Ukulele group will be performing at the club on Saturday 5th April starting around 7.15pm.
Patricia will be hosting a quiz evening at the club on Saturday 10th May starting around 7.30pm
We need to generate more income at the club if we are now paying an outside contractor to do the green at the end of season, so I hope you will all try to attend and make these two events successful.
The green will open on Sunday 20th April. 
If you can spare a couple of hours to clean the club ready for opening during the week leading up to the 20th it would be greatly appreciated.
A list of jobs will be at the club and you can choose what to do and sign against it. The cleaning cupboard has been stocked in anticipation!
Thanks everyone
Flo Ward

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