Category: News

Men’s County Club 4’s

The game on 25th July has been conceded by Alton with next round on 1st August. See sign up sheet on notice board for this and Petersfield Cup. Next  round of County  Club 4’s will be on 1st  August.

Men’s County 4s

Congratulations to our TWO area winning 4’s who now go to Banister Park finals. The winning rinks were Anthony LaFrenais, , Nick Anderson, Gary M Johnson and Danny Brown, along with HOTSHOT winners Leigh Allen, Reece Graham,  Nick Hardy and Leo May

County 2 Wood Singles

ASBC have all FOUR northern area finalists winners, with success for Margaret Holden, Hazel Marke, Richard Burgin and Matt Carr. The finals are at Banister Park next Monday evening 8th July.

Congratulations and best wishes to you all.